Government is the system of people, laws and officials that define and control a country like ours. Its main job is to regulate the activities of people living in the area under its control. It is usually only concerned with public life, but the rules it establishes and enforces can affect private life as well.
Governments provide a variety of services to their citizens, such as schools, roads, fire departments and police officers. They also regulate the access to certain natural resources such as wildlife and fish, and they protect public goods that are in limited supply.
There are different kinds of governments, but they all do the same thing: They organize a country’s citizens and regulate what happens in public life. The way they do it varies from place to place, but they all have a set of laws and official that make up the system of government.
Most countries have a democratic form of government. This means the elected officials are responsible for making decisions and establishing policies for the country. Some of the principles of democracy are: Majority rule with minority rights, Accountability: Elected and appointed officials are held accountable for their actions, Checks and balances: Limiting power of government and guaranteeing rights of citizens.
While the role of government varies around the world, all governments seek to accomplish the same goals: economic prosperity for their citizens, secure borders, and safety and security within the nation. They also provide benefits to their citizens, such as health care and social programs.
The United States government is divided into three branches: The Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch. The President is the head of the executive branch, and he has a large amount of responsibility for day-to-day operations. The Congress is the legislative branch, and it passes bills that the president signs into law (or vetoes). This is the branch that creates our laws. The Senate has 100 members, two from each state, and the House of Representatives has 435 representatives, one from each district.
The judicial branch is there to make sure the laws passed by Congress and the actions of the Executive and Legislative branches follow the Constitution. It also hears lawsuits brought by the people against their government. The Supreme Court and other courts are in this branch, and they help settle these disputes. Companies that work with the government get consistent business and reliable income over a defined time period. This helps the company to plan and project its cash flow and position itself to grow in other areas. This type of work is known as federal set asides. Some businesses specialize in this kind of work, and many have contracts with the government that last one to three years. The information these companies generate can be a valuable source of data to other businesses. This is called open data and is a growing trend in the industry. Governments are becoming more interested in this strategy because they realize that it helps them connect with their citizens.